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The ALERT automated monitoring system:

  • View the ALERT Quick Tour for a preview of what this advanced automated deformation monitoring system can do.

Current major projects:

Recent major projects:

Highland Valley Copper Open Pit Mine Slope Stability
By introducing the ALERT software for fully automated deformation surveys, CCGE was able to increase HVC's (near Kamloops, B.C., Canada) slope monitoring frequency from monthly to several times daily, for hundreds of prisms in two active pits.

The HVC application has pushed the limits of the precision surveying for deformation monitoring and robotic total station technology, with long distances and strict accuracy requirements for this actively moving area in a hostile environment. Because the ALERT system utilizes the Iterative Weighted Similarity Transformation (IWST) for unstable reference point detection, problems with drifting control points were identified early, providing HVC with several reliable surveys each day.

By introducing the ability to monitor an area simultaneously with multipe robotic total stations (to take advantage of the increased redundancy and the strength of intersecting distance observations) the problem of long sight lengths has been overcome. To deal with the difficulties of establishing suitable reference points within view of the instruments, GPS has been added as an automated control survey.

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PotashCorp Mine Ground Subsidence
Since 1989 CCGE has performed field surveys and data analysis for the PotashCorp salt and potash mine near Sussex, N.B., Canada. CCGE has been responsible for the evolution of the monitoring scheme from a few levelling lines to a large surface monitoring network covering the area of influence of the underground extraction, observed by first-order levelling, GPS, and robotic total stations.

The geometrical data resulting from the annual monitoring surveys is assessed together with FEM numerical modelling of rock strata deformation and hydrological changes. The surface subsidence patterns and FEM analyses have helped guide mine maintenance activities.

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Diamond Valley Lake Automated Dam Monitoring
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California required an automated system for geodetic monitoring of three embankment dams that were built to create a large emergency water supply reservoir near Los Angeles.

In addition to providing consultation on the design of the surveying scheme and the development of standards and tolerances for the monitoring surveys, CCGE provided the software to fully automate the surveys by eight robotic total stations, from the scheduling of data collection through data transfer, processing, and preparation for analysis. (See the ALERT page for details on the current generation of this software.)

The system has been providing continuous results from several complete surveys per week since October 2000. Utilizing the Iterative Weighted Similarity Transformation (IWST) for unstable reference point detection has provided the optimum in reliability for this large monitoring project.

CCGE has employed FEM techniques for verifying the material parameters of the earth dams.

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Superconducting Super Collider
The United States Dept. of EnergySuperconducting Super Collider (SSC) project in Texas represented the ultimate in survey and alignment precision. CCGE provided extensive consultation and training to the project. (Nearly three-quarters of the engineers responsible for surveying and alignment tasks were alumni of UNB's Dept. of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, where CCGE provided undergraduate and graduate courses in precision engineering surveys.)

The 87 km underground oval-shaped tunnel was designed for boring under the tightest tolerances. Six simultaneously operating boring machines would have to meet each other at coordinates specified in terms of millimetres. The overall shape of the tunnel was to strictly conform to design specifications to allow the collider components to be properly aligned.
CCGE succesfully met and exceeded all survey design specifications in the tunnel layout and boring.

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Mactaquac Generating Station
CCGE was instrumental in identifying and quantifying the structural deformations at the Mactaquac Generating Station (near Fredericton, N.B., Canada). Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR) in the concrete structures is responsible for an ongoing expansion of the concrete masses.

CCGE's monitoring scheme, fully integrating a wide array of geotechnical and geodetic instruments, coupled with rigorous and unique data analysis innovations allowed project engineers and analysts to accurately identify the deformation mechanism.

Custom data collection software and processing and analysis software were developed for the project. All geometric data was compared with deterministic models from FEM analysis to rule out several other possible deformation sources. Geometric modelling with graphical visualization provided concise plots of the structural behaviour, allowing engineers to efficiently plan repair programs.

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KGHM Polish Copper Rock Strata Deformation
CCGE provided rock strata deformation analysis for copper mines in Poland for KGHM Polish Copper, Inc. By using the S-C Method for FEM (an iterative approach), a methodology was developed for identifying potential micro-seismic events. A geomechanical information system was developed to aid in managing this data.

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Warsak Dam Deformation Analysis
As part of a larger Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) sponsored revitalization program, with project management by SNC-Lavalin, for this important generating station near Peshawar, Pakistan, CCGE provided survey design and analysis for the monitoring of the dam, powerhouse, and surrounding rock slopes.

CCGE was responsible for the design and implementation of the integrated monitoring scheme (GPS, terrestrial survey techniques, and geotechnical instrumentation), geometrical analysis of deformations, software development for data collection and analysis, and training of field crews and local engineers.

The project spanned four years and almost a dozen site visits.

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Evaluation of Dam Deformation Surveys for the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Centre
CCGE performed an evaluation and redesign of deformation monitoring schemes for two large dams, in Montana and Washington, for the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Centre.

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Evaluation of Dam Deformation Surveys for the Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works
Working with Genterra Consultants Inc. (Irvine, California), CCGE provided recommendations for the evaluation and redesign of the deformation monitoring schemes for 24 large dams owned by Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works.

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Boston's Metrowest Tunnel Orientation
Working with Judith Nitsch Eng. Inc. (Boston), CCGE provided gyrotheodolite tunnel orientation surveys to satisfy verification requirements for the Boston Metrowest tunnel.

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Stillwater Mine Orientation Surveys
Provided orientation surveys for tunnels at the Stillwater Mining Co. mine in Montana, performing gyro-azimuth transfer to various levels.

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Ohio River Locks and Dam
Review and modification of the design of a fully automatic monitoring survey scheme for the locks and for the surrounding area. Performed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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Potacan Mine Ground Subsidence Study
CCGE performed field surveys (levelling, GPS, and terrestrial surveys) annually for this potash mine near Norton, N.B., Canada. Analysis of the surface subsidence and numerical modelling of the rock strata deformation was carried out until the mine was forced to close due to water inflow problems.

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Deformation Analysis, Software Development, and Training
The federal Geodetic Survey of Canada engaged the CCGE to develop software to implement the Iterative Weighted Similarity Transformation (IWST) for the detection of unstable reference points in repeated surveys, as well as the Iterative Minmum Norm Quadratic Estimation (MINQE) for rigorous estimation of variance components (for determination of true survey accuracy).

Training was provided to Geodetic Survey engineers in the use of this software.

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Ground and Dike Deformation Surveys in Oil Fields
Design and analysis of surveys for the Maraven (now PDVSA) oil company at Lake Maracaibo, Venezuala. GPS and levelling was employed in monitoring the ground subsidence resulting from oil deposit extraction, as well as monitoring the effects on the dikes protecting the subsiding area from the waters of Lake Maracaibo.

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Numerical Modeling of Tectonic Plate Movements and Gravity Changes
For Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada (Geophysics Division), CCGE used FEM for modelling the movements of tectonic plates. The CCGE software package FEMMA was adapted to model gravity changes resulting from these tectonic shifts.

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Development of Standards and Procedures for Precise Structural Deformation Surveys
CCGE conducted a worldwide survey on the status of monitoring and analysis of structural deformations in large dams. An extensive report included recommendations for standards and procedures for such surveys. This work was conducted for the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Centre.

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